Thetys Pumps SRL
Tel: +40 744 595 445
Str. Comana, nr. 3, sector 1,
011273 Bucuresti, Romania

Because life is fluid.


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GSG diffuser style barrel pump – Thetys Pumps
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GSG diffuser style barrel pump

Thetys Pumps / Products  / Pumps  / Radial split pumps / GSG diffuser style barrel pump

GSG diffuser style barrel pump

Best value barrel pump to reduce costs in your plant

The GSG pump is the least costly form of ISO 13709 / API 610 Type BB5 high-pressure barrel pumps. The GSG back-to-back rotor stack is supplied on low- density services where rotor stability is critical. GSG pumps are installed around the world in power plants, refineries, and petrochemical plants.


Main benefits
  • Inline rotor stack reduces costs
  • Back-to-back rotor stack allows up to 16 stages on low-density fluids
  • Multiple sizes cover a broad hydraulic range
  • Low-pressure, high-pressure, twistlock, and high-temperature designs suit many applications
  • Multiple sourcing factories to meet local logistical needs
Main applications
  • Boiler feed
  • High-pressure unit charge in refining
  • Ethylene shipping
  • Onshore and offshore waterflood
  • Offshore crude shipping
Main design features
  • Inline rotor stack
  • Optional back-to-back rotor stack
  • Single suction or double suction first-stage impeller in many sizes for reduced Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
  • Broad hydraulic coverage in both flow and pressure
  • Variety of barrel closure methods and barrel designs to suit process conditions
Key characteristics
Capacities Up to 900 m3/h / 4,600 US gpm
Head Up to 2,600 m / 10,000 ft
Pressures Up to 300 bar / 4,500 psi
Temperatures From -30 °C to +425 °C / -20 °F to +800 °F
Discharge sizes From 40 to 200 mm / 1.5 to 8 inches
Maximum speed of rotation Up to 3,600 rpm
Performance range













Performance range 50 Hz












Performance range 60 Hz




Boiler feed water and booster pumps

Feed water pumps (FWP) pump the feed water from the de-aerator through the HP heaters to the boiler. The major characteristic of FWP is their high differential head.

Crude oil pipeline mountainous terrain

In remote areas, there may not be power available, or, terrain may be so steep that all the pressure rise has to be made in 1 station. Each pump must make the entire head. Pumps are often run in parallel. Hundreds of Sulzer multistage pump performances meet such high pressure requirements.

Crude oil pipeline offshore to onshore

All the pressure rise must be made in the crude shipping pumps on the platform. Salt spray is corrosive and platform movement during storms can affect reliability. Specially packaged Sulzer multistage pumps are used to move crude oil from offshore platforms to onshore storage or pipeline systems.

Feed water pump (FWP) for gas-fired

Feed water pumps (FWP) pump the feed water from the de-aerator through the HP heaters to the heat recovery steam generator. The major characteristic of the FWP is their high differential head. In all sizes of gas-fired combined-cycle power plants, the FWP are horizontal ring section type; occasionally, they could also be barrel or axially split type.

Feed water pumps for solar power generation

Feed water pumps (FWP) pump feed water from the de-aerator through the HP heaters to the solar steam generator. The major characteristic of FWP is their high differential head. The FWP are usually horizontal ring section type, but depending on customer requirements, they can also be barrel or axially split type.

Flow assurance (dead oil / hot oil)

Pumps for flow assurance service, also known as dead oil and hot oil circulation, are critical to maintain oil production in deep cold water. Though usually driven by an electric motor, the Sulzer BB3 and BB5 pumps can be engineered with diesel engine drivers. Along with our reputation for quality and efficiency, our pumps are right for this service.

Hydraulic power recovery turbine

Many industries aim to reduce their ecological footprint by minimizing energy consumption. Sulzer Hydraulic Power Recovery Reaction Turbines can be used to capture lost energy.

Liquefied petroleum gas pipelines

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) mixtures (ethane, propane, butane) can have vapor pressure up to 40 Bar, specific gravity less than 0.40, and almost no lubricity. Sulzer provides special materials, acoustic studies, and lateral analysis to assure reliable performance with varying flow, speed, and fluid conditions.

Refined product pipelines

Thousands of Sulzer multistage pipeline pumps move diesel fuel, jet fuel, gasoline, and other refined products all over the globe. Sulzer’s global service centers, service and retrofit not only our own pumps, but other pumps and motors as well.

Supercritical and compressible fluid pipelines

For the past 30 years, Sulzer multistage pumps have been used to pump compressible, dense phase ethylene and CO2 at normal and supercritical pressures. Compressible performance prediction, acoustic studies, and, lateral analysis, are all part of service provided by Sulzer engineers for such rigorous applications.

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