Dewatering in construction
Dewatering in construction
Versatile dewatering pumps for construction
From roads and bridges to ditches and dams, construction sites are difficult places to work. Construction site managers need solid economic reasons for purchasing equipment. Our submersible dewatering pumps provide them.
When selecting the right pump for the job, you need to consider many factors. Job conditions and types of media set different requirements on the pump type. Our pumps are developed to operate in tough conditions with maintained efficiency.

Applications for dewatering in construction
- Drainage and dewatering
- Excavation dewatering
- Groundwater lowering (drainage wells/wellpointing)
- Tunneling construction
- Building construction
- Dam drainage
- Bridges
- Sewage networks
- Pipelines
- By pass
- Flood control
- Marine
- Storm water runoff
- Construction quarries
All pumps in our dewatering line can get the job done, but some pump types are better suited than others. When pumping water and dirty water mixed with light abrasives, a drainage pump is suitable. When pumping dirty water and water mixed with solids, we recommend our sludge pumps. For installations with limited installation space, the center-line pump is the better choice.
Easy and safe to use, the trouble-free operation of our submersible dewatering pumps ensures more time in the water and less in the workshop. Our pumps’ high-efficiency motors and hydraulics minimize the total energy costs, while providing steady and reliable performance. The pumps come with features such as built-in compensation for incorrect phase order, motor protection and power check at start-up. The modular pump design makes it possible to use the same parts for different dewatering pumps. Less need for extra spare parts lowers your service costs.
The world’s smartest dewatering pumps for applications in mines, construction sites and tunnels are equipped with the innovative AquaTronic. AquaTronic ensures correct motor rotation, gives motor protection, allows the pump to start via a level sensor, and gives you all the pump performance information in your PC, plus much more.
Dewatering pumps for construction sites